After a last few sessions of tweaking, I've now completed the VERY FIRST functional prototype of the V2 kit.
The parts aren't fully hand-finished because this was just a fitment and function prototype.
A few areas need some change. Namely, the slot in the receiver for the accessory rail is slightly too tight, the charging handle binds up slightly toward the rear of the stroke, the reliefs for the manual safeties aren't big enough to let your thumb through, I need to inset a hexagonal slot for the M5 nut the AEG buffer tube screws into, and the grip magazine holder also doesn't quite hang on to magazines.
Otherwise... this was a monumental moment for this project. The airsoft pistol is fully capable of cycling in the kit, and despite the charging handle hanging up sometimes, it's still completely functional - it just needs to be guided forward sometimes. The stock mounting option works great, and I'm now very glad that I went with four M4 screws instead of two, as they're keeping the entire assembly rock solid.
At the suggestion of a Thingiverse user, I've decided I'm going to skip the receiver grip extension for "production" models - most people wouldn't use it anyway, it's not incredibly ergonomic, it complicates printing, and its design still needs to be fleshed out further. The model with this extension is referred to as the "HCC-2B", and the model without is referred to as the "HCC-2A".
After some brief adjustments before the final model, the file will be available for public download on Thingiverse on July 1st, 2019.
See you then.
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